Dianetics: Understand Your Mind

Dianetics is an adventure.

It is an exploration into Terra Incognita, the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknown realm half an inch back of our foreheads.

If any of the following statements apply to you, and you enjoy reading and adventure, then you have landed on the right page!

  • Are you worried about the possibility that artificial intelligence (AI) could replace the human mind, or that we are heading towards a '1984' sort of future?
  • Are you confused about whether the brain is the mind or vice-versa? Do you ever ask yourself questions such as, 'What is the mind, really?', 'What is life?', 'Why am I here?'
  • Do you feel that things need to change, but are grappling in the dark as to what exactly needs changing, or how to change it?
  • Would you like to take back control of your own life, and perhaps help those close to you do the same?
  • Would you like to create your own future?
  • Would you like to conquer human error and develop competence?
  • Would you like to live life to the full, and not feel that you are missing out or failing?
  • Would you like to achieve your goals be it in the sphere of the family, the home, your career, your interests?
  • Would you like to find that elusive happiness and stay on its highway?
  • Would you like to understand the source of your fears and insecurities, and be able to eradicate that source?
  • Would you like to better understand how to spot narcissistic individuals and what is back of their behaviour?
  • Would you like to overcome some personal grief or loss?
  • Would you like to recover from the trauma of an accident or operation, or help someone do so?
  • Would you like to really understand what is the human mind, once and for all?

If you have answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you are invited to read the international best-seller Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard, published in 1950 and now in its 73rd year of continuous publishing.

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health

22 million readers, translated into 53 languages

Containing discoveries heralded as greater than the wheel or fire, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental health has remained a bestseller for more than 70 years. And with over 22 million copies in print, translated in over 50 languages and generating a movement that spans over 160 nations, it is indisputably the most widely read and influential book ever written about the human mind.

But what does Dianetics mean? The word Dianetics comes from the Greek dia , meaning 'through' and nous , meaning 'soul', and is defined as 'what the soul is doing to the body'.

Here is the anatomy and full description of the reactive mind, the previously unknown source of the nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurities which enslave Man. This book shows you how to get rid of it and overcome any mental health issues.

Here is also full description of the human mind, the analytical mind, and its extraordinary mechanics and potential. And we are not talking about the brain!




(Dianetics seminars, classroom or

distance-learning courses also available)

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health

Very high quality paperback, 678 pages, beautifully embossed front cover, with extensive editor's glossary, fold-out copy of the Descriptic Graph of Survival


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Why do I feel qualified to tell you about this book?

As a qualified engineer and knowledge transfer specialist (www.delphineryan.co.uk), I spend many hours mentoring and helping others across many walks of life. I work as a career coach working with all sorts of people. I also volunteer as a STEM Ambassador (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) promoting literacy and STEM education to the next generation.

I have read Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health at least four times, and some years ago, took a counselling course to develop my skills with Dianetics so that I could help others.

The knowledge about the human mind (not the brain) and behaviour I have obtained through reading Dianetics has helped me enormously to be successful and help others also do well. When you understand the human mind, you understand yourself and others, and you definitely are on the road to becoming a free being. You can also understand how artificial intelligence will never replace the human mind. It cannot. You can make up your own mind on this when you read the book. I encourage you to do so.

I have personally found that by just reading Dianetics, and understanding its principles, you begin to identify and remove much unnecessary mental baggage, as well as identify areas of your life which you can change for the better, and KNOW how to go about it because you understand it.

My recommendation? Read the book, think for yourself and make up your own mind. There is plenty of online support, FAQs, and videos at www.dianetics.org or local support at your nearest Dianetics centre. You can also email me at delphineryan@proton.me if you have a question, and I will strive to help.

The other appealing feature of this book is that you can actually start using the techniques very quickly in the comfort of your own home with a friend or family member! Professional help or therapy is also available, as well as distance learning and classroom courses or weekend seminars to learn more about it.

Whereas this book will grace any bookshelf or library shelf, it could also change your life!


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About Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health


Why does this book continue to be such a success after 70 years? Because its discoveries work!


Discoveries which include:


  • The Goal of Man
  • The Dynamic Principle of Existence – the one word that motivates all living things.
  • The Four Dynamics – the drives upon which all of life is compartmented.
  • The Descriptic Graph of Survival – revealing one’s true potential and how to achieve it.
  • The discovery of and complete anatomy of the Reactive Mind.
  • The painful experiences – engrams – contained in the Reactive Mind which command one to act irrationally against their own wishes and goals.
  • The impact of prenatal engrams – what took place before you were born and how it has influenced you ever since.
  • The complete Dianetics procedure to discover and eradicate these harmful experiences so they never affect you again, revealing the one person you’ve always wanted to know – YOU.


Take time out to read Dianetics, the best £16.00 investment you will spend on a book in 2023!


Make it a priority this year to learn about and understand your mind.

This is the greatest gift you could give yourself.


What is different about this book?

There are so many books about wealth, happiness, positiveness and success. Most of the popular books in this field tell you that it’s basically down to your attitude. That it’s what you emanate, your own mindset that determines your success and happiness.

That might be true, but then how do you change this attitude, this mindset? How do you suddenly rise above your self-invalidations, grief, losses, anxieties, 'demons' or failures, and turn yourself into this bright shining person, who can overcome past grief and losses, and just knows he is going to get what he wants, be happy and succeed in life?

This is where Dianetics comes in. Here you will find the complete fundamentals and know-how about what it is that influences you unknowingly and how to get rid of it, permanently. You will understand that real change and real help is actually possible. This is why over 22 million copies sold, and it keeps growing year by year. Find out for yourself.

Yes, it does take a little courage to face the darker aspects of our own and other people’s minds, but let’s not forget that man’s greatest weapon is his reason.


My recommendation? Read the book, think for yourself and make up your own mind.


Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health

Very high quality paperback, 678 pages, beautifully embossed front cover, with extensive editor's glossary, fold-out copy of the Descriptic Graph of Survival


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Is it possible to increase IQ?

Answer on page 13

What is the goal of life?

Answer on page 21

What are the three ways our thinking works?

Answer on page 97

What is the source of our energy in life?

Answer on page 280

How can one manage habits?

Answer on page 499

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Dianetics conflict with my faith?

    Dianetics is a science of the mind, and is inclusive of any denomination or belief system. Anyone of any faith can use Dianetics to help themselves and others. People around the world and of many different religions apply Dianetics to their lives, with extraordinary results.

  • Is Dianetics a form of psychology?

    No, Dianetics is quite different from psychology or psychoanalysis. In psychoanalysis, for instance, analysts do not accept what you say but rather interpret it. They may evaluate your condition for you, read sexual significance into your statements and tell you what they think your problem is, but have no means of solving it—all of which merely confuse you and have no helpful benefit. With Dianetics, what you say is never judged or open to interpretation by someone else and there’s no attempt to prove you wrong. Similarly, Dianetics bears no resemblance to psychology, which is primarily the study of observing responses to stimuli and provides no means of producing actual improvement. Dianetics is also 100% drug-free and is the only system that actually eliminates your problems at their source.

"I have read hundreds of books on success and happiness and the most important book I read was Dianetics. It explained how to get rid of

limited thinking, uncertainties and destructive behaviour that hindered my potential."

- Grant Cardone

Bestselling author, sales trainer, and entrepreneur


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About the author

L. Ron Hubbard spent many years investigating the phenomena of the mind through extensive travel and contact with many cultures, and while being one of the first student at George Washington University studying atomic and nuclear phenomena (what we now call nuclear science and engineering). As a US naval officer during WWII, he continued to research the subject of the mind. During a long recovery period at Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in California, he tested and refined many of his theories and methods not only on himself but also on other veterans struggling to recover because of the trauma of war.

The culmination of all his research and methods resulted in the publication of the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health in 1950. Since then, the book has sold over 22 million copies and is translated into 50 languages, and continues to be a bestseller worldwide, 70 years after its first publication.

Although Dianetics technology was discovered by L. Ron Hubbard, he wrote: “Acknowledgment is made to fifty thousand years of thinking men without whose speculations and observations the creation and construction of Dianetics would not have been possible." Credit in particular is due to: Anaxagoras, Thomas Paine, Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, Socrates, René Descartes, Plato, James Clerk Maxwell, Euclid, Charcot, Lucretius, Herbert Spencer, Roger Bacon, William James, Francis Bacon, Sigmund Freud, Isaac Newton, van Leeuwenhoek, Cmdr. Thompson (MC) USN, Voltaire, William A. White, Will Durant, Count Alfred Korzybski and my instructors in atomic and molecular phenomena, mathematics and the humanities at George Washington University and at Princeton.

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© 2023 - Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Centre and are used with its permission. Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.

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