Key Ingredients of Competence


Based on the award-winning book "The Way to Happiness - A Common Sense guide to Better Living", by L. Ron Hubbard, the ingredients which make up competence include observation, study and practice: Look, Learn and Practice.

  1. Look: "See what you see, not what someone tells you that you see... True competence is based on one's own ability to observe".
  2. Learn: "The main process of learning consists of inspecting the available data, selecting the true from the false, the important from the unimportant and arriving thereby at conclusions one makes and can apply. If one does this, one is well on the way to being competent".
  3. Practice: "Any activity, skill or profession, ditch-digging, law, engineering, cooking or whatever, no matter how well studied, collides at last with the acid test: can one DO it? And that doing requires practice."

Read the complete Chapter 17  "Be Competent" of the book to learn how to build up competence throughout your organisation by developing each of the three ingredients: Look, Learn and Practice.

For more information, contact me on +44 (0)753 328 1098, or at

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